You are currently viewing THE 3 MOST COMMON GYM MISTAKES!


THE 3 COMMON MISTAKES that’s happening everywhere in gyms!

After many years of exposure in the gym environment, these are the three common mistakes we see endlessly in gyms.

Here they are…….

1️⃣No tension – the muscle they “think” they’re working actually isn’t engaged at all.

2️⃣Overload –The Inability to reach a certain threshold to give the muscle enough stimulus to grow.

3️⃣Diet – with so much information and diets out there It’s evident that people are still unaware of how to eat.


1️⃣STOP trying to throw around heavy weights in the gym and take the take the time to build a solid and structural foundation first. You need to be able to put joints through their FULL RANGE OF MOTION and if that is being sacrificed due to ‘heavy lifting’ you will have a posture like The Quasimodo

2️⃣Start Tracking – these include your calorie intake as well as exercise, sets and reps DAILY. You need to give your muscles a reason to grow. If you don’t TRACK you are simply ‘working-out. If you know your numbers you are ‘TRAINING’. When you have a goal in mind, your efforts are working towards a direct end and that means you are ‘training’ NOT ‘working-out’. There is a difference!

3️⃣Stop following the latest diet trends. Consume all three macros which are carbs, protein and fat and use MyFitnessPal to ensure you’re giving your body the same energy requirement each day.

You should start avoiding these 3 mistakes now! Remember, Information without IMPLEMENTATION will got you nowhere! If you would like to speak to with me about ways to get you on the right track, I’d love to talk to you.?

There is never any pressure on any of my calls and I have nothing to ‘pitch’ or sell you… My objective is purely to point you in the right direction and give you some clarity.

Coach Lenny, Underground Strength Gym

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